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It’s a normal day in your city… until the ground starts shaking from giant footsteps. A Kaiju has come to town and it’s up to you to face off with it (with or without your friends) 

This is a rules lite ttrpg that can be played either solo or with multiple players. The higher you climb on the monster, the more damage you’ll do, but the greater chance it will notice you and try to swat the annoyance away.

Not the violent type? Try befriending the monster to lower its hostility you can send it back to its ocean home. In solo play or with friends! But a warning: even if you’re not going to harm it, it has very few compunctions about trying to harm you! 

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
TagsNon violent, Solo RPG, Tabletop role-playing game, Violent


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Your Kaiju game is very cool !

And I really appreciate the both option of the game : fighting it or calm it down.

thank you so much! I was posting about it one Wednesday when someone replied their players would immediately try to befriend it and I knew I had to make that an option. Plus I like giving a non-violent way to play (well non violent on the player’s end anyway)